Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Journey Begins.

Since so many of the people I love have asked me to keep in touch with them and their families while I am away I decided a blog would be the best way. Just a warning, I'm not really good at this kind of thing so bear with me while I get the hang of this.

Well, I have one more day in Minnesota. It hasn't set in really that I am leaving, even though I've packed up most of the things in my room and have said my goodbyes to all my friends and my church family. I feel more like I'm going to summer camp and will be back in a few weeks. Everyone keeps asking me how I'm feeling and I don't even know how to answer them. I mean of course I'm excited. It's a completely new experience, I'll be making new friends, doing things I've never done before, and growing in myself and who God wants me to be, but at the same time I'm freaked out beyond belief. I will be 14.5 hours from my comfort zone and I am not the kinda person who likes adventure or trying new things (although Nate and Jen have been helping me over come that!!). I love the comfort of my home and my family so this is going to be hard for me. I wonder everyday if this is the right choice for me, if it's REALLY where God wants me to be. Just the other day I found the perfect verse that has really helped me feel a peace about leaving, it's Joshua 23:14::

14 "Now I am about to go the way of all the earth. You know with all your heart and soul that not one of all the good promises the LORD your God gave you has failed. Every promise has been fulfilled; not one has failed.

I felt like this verse was written for me. I am going across the country to somewhere new and unknown to me, but I know it is exactly where God wants me and even though it's hard for me I just keep reminding myself that it's God's plan for me and He has NEVER failed me before. A few weeks ago I saw the most beautiful rainbow I have ever seen in my entire life. As I was driving home from work I just marveled in the beauty of God's artwork which I felt He had made special for me. I kept hearing Him say over and over "This is MY promise to you. To guide you and support you in your new journey. To be right beside you. To never leave you especially in your time of need. To be right there to pick you up when you have fallen". He instilled an overwhelming peace inside of me. Everything He has ever promised me has been fulfilled times ten. There is no need to worry. God has promised to bless me through this new experience and I can't wait!!!

1 comment:

  1. I was praying for you in the prayer room today, about this new journey you're about to embark on, and my heart goes out to you little sister.
    I know exactly how you're feeling, because I'm going through all the same things about growing up and moving out. But that verse is great and you've got a good attitude, so keep it up!

    I really just want to encourage you to look at this new adventure as God taking you outside of your comfort zone so that you can meet Him in a place where your vision not clouded by your earthly life and your heart is not biased by your earthly relationships. You're about to enter a season of your life where the only thing you will have to rely on, the one thing to sustain you is your relationship with the Holy God. I'm so excited for what He's about to do in your life, and I ache to hear every juicy detail. He's bringing us to a deeper level of understanding of who He is, and to a higher level of maturity in our faith and boldness. Continue to pray and cry out to Him with every anxiety, worry, and fear, and He will give you peace, peace, peace. Beauty for ashes.

    I LOVE YOU. Call me when you get settled in. You're my best friend and my sister and I'm over here praying for only blessings in your every step.
